Cameron Will

A collection of 10 posts

3D Printer Filament Storage

💡Note: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. 3D printer filament needs to stay dry. Most people recommend it needs to be kept at a humidity somewhere between 30 and 50% relative, with a goal to

Christmas Ornament Tie Fighter

This year, I decided to 3D print some Christmas Ornaments for family and friends. Turned out great! Printer Prusa Mini+ Filament Prusament PETG Clear Infill 15% Nozzle Temp 250° C Bed Temp 90° C

On having a child

My son is just over a month old today. We're watching our first UVa football game together, rooting for the team that always disappoints (we're not called the Cardiac Cavs for nothing). Having a kid is

Programming Epic PWRGate from Linux

I'm fairly big into ham radio. I'll probably post more on ham radio in general and why I got into it, but this post specifically is about one piece of equipment I got for the car.

Overnight Oats Recipe

In 2013, I had the best muesli of my life in Bermuda. Since then, I've been trying to recreate it. I think I've finally come as close as possible, and wanted to document that recipe. 1.

Installing Arch Linux on Dell XPS 7390 (2019)

Background I recently bought a Dell XPS 7390 for personal projects, as I wanted a portable laptop to do things like Arduino projects and bill paying. I used arch for a long time in the past, but not really since